4 long, tubular and originating in the far East and Europe, celery is a winter vegetable that is used in thousands of recipes, because it is extremely versatile and aromatic. Chinese medicine it is used for centuries to treat various problems of the Agency.

Try to count on certain portions of this food can help you to gain health and prepare effective home remedies. Then six of its attributes to the respecto:

1. It is diuretic and slimming. To be rich in essential oils, it relieves fluid retention. The ideal is to take two or three times per day an infusion of dried seeds, calculating 1.5 grams per cup of hot water.

If you drink in the form of milkshake and mixed with lemon, helps to lose weight.

2. Works as a bactericide and healing. When there are wounds, it acts as a disinfectant and favours a rapid healing of the skin. To achieve this, it is recommended to make a poultice with fresh leaves and place in the zone several times a day.

3. Reduces the cholesterol and uric acid. Cleanses the blood fighting fat deposits cause of high cholesterol, for what the fresh plant juice must drink two or three times daily.

Neutralizes excess uric acid, which causes gout. This tea with the seed must be made to drink it twice a day.

4. Aphrodisiac. Sexual appetite and increase the male power facilitating erection. For this purpose, eat raw in salads or as garrison.

Nutrition. pro magazine health alternative.

Tags: remedies, alternative therapies, natural therapies