Natural hundreds of products on the market are shared with the flag to be made with fiberglass natural. Is not a bad conviction appeal, because the fiber is an essential food in question of nutrition and functioning of the organism.

Between its benefits knows that it absorbs water accelerates intestinal transit, removes cholesterol, reduces the levels of glucose (care, diabetic and prone to be), reduces fatty acids, detoxifies the colon, and in short, this prevents serious illnesses.

low fiber intake can cause diseases such as diverticulitis, hemorrodides, apendciitis, constipation and colon cancer. On the contrary, a daily spoonful of olive oil, wheat bran, flaxseed, and prunes stimulate bowel movements. (Their wasteful consumption could lead to turn the opposite effect)

If you have decided already has a natural laxative, it is advisable that you start with a single food at the same time or do so gradually to achieve results in four or six days. If not leave these self-taught medical as well as you expect, attends a medical consultation.

Foods with higher content of fiber are bran wheat, beans, broccoli, lettuce, soybeans and derivatives, figs, bananas, germ of wheat and fruit in general.

Magazine day seven

Tags: advice, constipation, fiber, remedies