José Luis Llisterri: “ 50% of patients with cardiovascular risk is not controlled”.

Cáceres hosted the IV Jornadas cardiovascular of the society Spanish physicians primary care (SEMERGEN).

-smoking, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are the main factors of cardiovascular risk

– training continued and accredited primary care physicians is necessary and lower welfare pressure to give a better service

-ischemic heart disease causes a third of all cardiovascular deaths (40% in men) and 24% in women

-new anticoagulants and antidiabéTicos are the major developments in the treatment of cardiovascular disease

Caceres, may 2012.- 50% of patients with cardiovascular risk is not well controlled, according to reported José Luis Llisterri, President of the Spanish society of physicians in primary care (SEMERGEN). “ this situation is particularly serious- said – that this type of disease is the leading cause of death in Spain ”.

Doctor Llisterri has pointed out that it is necessary to implement new measures to reduce the excessive pressure care for family practitioners, to facilitate continued, accredited and compulsory training of the Group of doctors of AP and to improve the health of the patient education that actively participate in the own follow-up treatments and avoid on the one hand to reduce this percentage the risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity or smoking.

De izquierda a derecha: Los doctores Alfonso Barquilla García, coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo de Hipertensión Arterial de SEMERGEN, José Polo García, presidente de SEMERGEN Extremadura, y José Luis Llisterri Cano, presidente nacional de SEMERGEN.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Spain, and are responsible for more than 120,000 deaths each year (a third of them by ischemic heart disease), according to data presented in the course of the IV Jornadas cardiovascular of SEMERGEN. They are influenced by several risk factors; the most frequent are the hypertension in the elderly of 65 years – up to 66.7% afflicted, excess weight in adult women – 48,3% – and smoking in men – 41.1%.

Other risk factors include diabetes, genetic inheritance, and cholesterol. Thus, according to a meta-analysis done recently on 48 prior cross-sectional studies with more than 130,000 people, 23 per cent of Spaniards has values of total cholesterol above 250 mg/dl, up 33% are smokers (41% of men and 24% of women), 34 per cent suffers from high blood pressure and 20% is obese (18% of males) and 23 % (for females).

In Extremadura, it is estimated that more than 3,400 people die each year from cardiovascular diseases, being the atrial fibrillation which more deaths cause. Around 1% of the Extremaduran population it suffers from this disease, which is mainly associated with ageing. In fact, its prevalence reaches 9% of people older than 60 years, according to data from SEMERGEN.

In that context, the cardiovascular SEMERGEN days have become “ in a landmark update in the pathology and cardiovascular prevention in the field of primary care, whose consultations presents large amount of cases ”, as he has pointed out the doctor José Polo, President of the Organizing Committee and first Vice-President of SEMERGEN. More than 300 doctors who are tackling the latest therapeutic developments in the management of cardiovascular pathology, whose risk factors, said doctor Alfonso Barquilla, President of the Scientific Committee, participate in its 4th Edition “ memorials, increasingly, from a holistic perspective, taking into account all the elements that can be present each patient ”.

New anticoagulant and antidiabetic agents, major advances in the treatment of cardiovascular disease

The entry into the market of new anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation is essential – Alfonso Barquilla – has pointed out that they are called upon to replace those used for this purpose: “ provide the advantage that do not need periodic uncomfortable controls that do require more old drugs and do not have many interactions with Food and other drugs, but they will have a much higher price that is going to slow down its takeoff in these times of crisis ”.

El doctor José Luis Llisterri Cano.

According to Dr. Polo, “ also stresses the incorporation of a new family of antidiabetic therapeutic arsenal oral medications with incretina effect, which are helping to improve the treatment of patients with diabetes with few side effects ”. This area highlights the publication of two large epidemiological studies, the Di@betes, which puts the figure of people affected by this disease in our country at 13.8% (in Cáceres is 11.8 per cent according to the SIMCA study surrounding and in Badajoz by 14.4 per cent, according to data from the HERMEX), and the Dabcontrol, made in any Spain with more than 3,000 patients, sees the light in these days and will show for the first time in a study conducted exclusively in diabetics the degree of control factors of vascular risk and blood glucose in our country.

The consensus reached on the handling of the Peripheral Arterial disease among SEMERGEN, the Spanish society of Medicine of family and community and the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI), which establishes the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology was also presented during the Conference.


The Spanish society of physicians in primary care, SEMERGEN is the pioneer of primary care in Spain, with 37 years of experience. He was established with the objective of promoting the family medicine, through the maintenance and improvement of the professional competence of physicians, promoting research and facilitating the continuing education of the physician in order to maintain the quality in the care of the health of citizens.

It has 17 regional delegations and held democratic elections every 4 years. SEMERGEN Foundation was established in 1999. This year held its thirty-fourth national Congress, as well as dozens of regional conferences.