ratiopharm launches two new generic, Candesartán ratio and Candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide ratio, for the treatment of essential hypertension.

-essential hypertension is high blood pressure without known cause and en mayores de 65 años, its prevalence is between 60-70% (1)

-Candesartán it is indicated in the treatment of essential hypertension in adults and the of adult patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic function left (2) reduction

– when candesartán is used with hydrochlorothiazide blood pressure reduction is additive, i.e. the reduction of blood pressure is superior to that obtained with each of them separately (3)

-Candesartán reduces mortality and hospitalization for heart failure (4), main causes of hospital admission in Spain older

Madrid, may of 2012- ratiopharm, pharmaceutical laboratory specialized in the production and marketing of generic pharmaceutical products, has released two new generics that extends his therapeutic armamentarium against essential hypertension: Candesartán ratio and ratio Candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide.

Essential hypertension is high blood pressure produced without known cause (5). This chronic illness, characterised by a continued increase in blood pressure in the arteries (6) figures, increases, in general, over 65s, among whom prevalence in our country is between 60 and 70 percent (7).

Candesartán ratio, whose active ingredient is candesartán cilexetilo, is indicated in the treatment of essential hypertension in adults and in the treatment of adult patients with heart failure and reduction of left ventricular systolic function as treatment added to inhibitors of the enzyme angiotensin Conversora, or when inhibitors of this enzyme is not tolerated (8).

For its part, Candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide ratio is indicated for adult patients whose blood pressure is not controlled adequately with candesartán cilexetilo or hydrochlorothiazide monotherapy (9). Both ratiopharm medicines are therefore complementary to treat this disease. And it is that, when candesartán cilexetilo is used with hydrochlorothiazide, the reduction in blood pressure is additive (10), i.e. by normal general achieved a decrease of the blood pressure higher than that obtained with each of them separately.

Asimismo, gracias al tratamiento con candesartán cilexetilo se reduce la mortalidad y la hospitalización por insuficiencia cardíaca(11). This disease, which it is estimated that half a million people, they suffer in Spain is very frequent and especially in older, constitutes one of the main causes of hospital admission (12).

Adjustment of dose

ratiopharm offers 4 different Candesartán presentations patients (4, 8, 16 and 32 mg) ratio for a correct adjustment of the dose. The normal maintenance and the recommended initial dose is 8 mg once a day. Most of the antihypertensive effect is reached in 4 weeks. In those patients where blood pressure control not properly, dose can be increased to 16 mg once per day up to a maximum of 32 mg (13).

In the case of Candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide, ratiopharm launches versions of 8 mg / 12.5 compressed mg and 16 mg / 12.5 mg compressed. The recommended dose is one tablet once a day, and when clinically appropriate, be considered the possibility of replacing the monotherapy directly by candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide (14).

Presentación Candesartán ratio 4 mg 14 EFG, 8 mg 28 tablets EFG, 16 mg 28 tablets compressed EFG, and 32 mg 28 tablets EFG

Presentación Candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide ratio 8 mg / 12.5 mg 28 tablets EFG and 16 mg / 12.5 mg 28 tablets EFG

on ratiopharm

ratiopharm S.A.U is a multinational pharmaceutical specializes in developingproduction and marketing of generic pharmaceutical specialties. ratiopharm sells a large number of molecules belonging to the most important therapeutic areas, making it one of the laboratories of major generics in Europe. With more than 900 registered preparations, ratiopharm has one of the portfolios more extensive in the field of generic medicines, covering almost all therapeutic areas. It belongs to the TEVA Group (NASDAQ:TEVA), a leading pharmaceutical company globally committed to improving access to health care developing, producing and marketing generics, as well as innovative drugs and pharmaceutical specialties.


(1) source Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Spanish for the fight against Arterial hypertension (SEH-LELHA)

(2) source sheet candesartán ratio-Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(3) source sheet candesartán ratio-Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(4) source data sheet of candesartán ratio-agency Spainwave of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(5) source Goldstein LB, Bushnell CD, Adams RJ, Appel LJ, Braun LT, S Chaturvedi, et to the. Guidelines for the primary prevention of stroke: to guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2011; 42: 517-584

(6) Kumar, MBBS, MD, FRCPath, v.; Abul k. Abbas, MBBS, Nelson Fausto, MD and Jon Aster, MD (2009). «11 chap. Hypertensive vascular disease “. In Saunders (Elsevier). Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (8th Edition)

(7) source Sociedad Española de Hipertensión-Liga Spanish for the fight against Arterial hypertension (SEH-LELHA)

(8) source sheet candesartán ratio-Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(9) source data sheet candesartán/hydrochlorothiazide ratio-Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(10)-source tab technique of candesartán ratio – Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(11) source program of testing Candesartán in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM)

(12) source Consejería de Salud of Andalusia

(13) source sheet candesartán ratio-Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)

(14) source data sheet of candesartán /hydrochlorothiazide ratio-Spanish Agency of medicines and health products (AEMPS)