the incidence of diabetes varies greatly between countries developing, where four of every five cases of this pathology is diagnosed.

Such figures emerged from a study conducted by Longjian Liu, epidemiologist of Drexel University (United States). The expert regrets that one out of 10 people diagnosed will not receive treatment and emphasizes that it is essential to improve this lack.

Liu explains that diabetes is a risk factor for multiple health complications that ″resultan in increasing disability, a lower life expectancy and enormous health costs for virtually any sociedad″. The specialist considers that the incidence of this pathology will further increase in the coming decades.

Its conclusions were published in the journal Diabetic Medicine.

The figures

Liu explains that previous trials analysed countries in isolation, so it was not possible to make comparisons. In his work the expert used information from 215,000 volunteers from 40 countries, compiled by the World Health Organization (who). This institution undertook a comprehensive study which used a standardized method to measure the rate of various chronic diseases in many countries in different regions of the world.

Specialist noted that the incidence of diabetes varies greatly, that goes from 0.27% in Mali to 15,54 per cent in Mauritius. The research also found that the age and weight are two important diabetes risk factors, older and heavier worse it is the danger of contracting the disease.

In addition, Liu noted that persons with diabetes and low weight have higher chances of not receiving any treatment.

″La diabetes is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in the world. It is the fourth or fifth cause of death in most high-income countries and there is much evidence that it is an epidemic in low-income and medios″ countries, says the expert.

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