each year are detected in Spain some 10,000 new cases of Parkinson, 1,500 in under 45 years, according to data from the SEN

11 April: World Parkinson’s day

-in Spain, about 150,000 people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. After Alzheimer’s disease, the second in number of neurodegenerative pathology. In 2050 will triple the number of affected.

– 40% of cases, the first manifestation of Parkinson’s disease is depression. 33% Experiences disorders of sleep and/or dysfunction sex.

-15% of patients in treatment can develop addictive like gambling or hypersexuality. conduct

-recent studies show that the Tai Chi and physical exercise and lifting weights can significantly improve motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Madrid, April 2012.- For 15 years, on April 11 is the date which marks the day world the Parkinson’s, a degenerative and chronic disease of the nervous system, characterized by affecting areas of the brain responsible for the control and coordination of movement and balance. According to estimated data of the Spanish society of Neurology (SEN), in Spain, between 120,000 and 150,000 people with the disease of Parkinson and, every year, are detected about 10,000 new cases, which makes it the second neurodegenerative pathology, after Alzheimer’s, largest. But in addition, estimated that the number of affected, due to the progressive ageing of the Spanish population will double in 20 years and triple in 2050. Day today, the cost of Parkinson’s disease in Europe is close to the 11 billion euros per year.

70% Of the people suffering from Parkinson in Spain have over 65 (which represents 2% of elders of this age) while 15% does not exceed 45 years. In recent years, the incidence of this disease in younger people, but also in the rest of the population, appears to have increased, although this is mainly due to the diagnosis of this condition is carried out much earlier. In any case, the diagnosis of this disease is still an aspect to improve ”, explains the DRA. Rosario Luquín Piudo, Coordinator of the Group of study of disorders of the movement of the society Spanish of Neurology (SEN). The main problem for its diagnosis is that it is a disease of which are not known exactly its causes: approximately 10% are considered to be hereditary, 5% could have a toxic or environmental origin, but of the remaining 85% originated is unknown. A major difficulty in the accurate diagnosis of this disease lies in that today, there is a laboratory or test image that allows established to guarantee that a subject has Parkinson’s disease. On the other hand the fact that in many cases the disease manifests by different symptoms which, Furthermore, may be attributable to other diseases, still more difficult the diagnosis process ”…

Traditionally Parkinson’s disease has been associated with the image of one grown-up with tremor but, is a unique disease of the elderly, nor the tremor is the only indicator of the disease ”, says the DRA. Rosario Luquin. Can manifest itself through symptoms such as clumsiness, slow, muscle stiffness, loss of balance, … but also for other symptoms that have nothing to do with movement disorders. In 40% of cases, depression is the first manifestation of Parkinson’s ”.

It is common that the people affected by Parkinson’s suffer from depression, anxiety, apathy, or nervousness, even before the engines so characteristic of the disease symptoms appear and today are considered premotores symptoms of the disease. But in addition, two of every three people may experience some form of sexual dysfunction – either as a result of the pharmacological treatment for disorders of the nervous or system driven by emotional factors – and, in the same proportion, suffer sleep disturbances: 15% suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day and it is common that they also experience insomnia, fragmentation of sleep, nightmares, … on the other hand, up to 15% of patients in treatment can develop disorders of the impulse control that in the majority of cases are manifested by conduct of hypersexuality, gambling or additions to the shopping, the food or hobbies…

It is important that, before the first symptoms, or to develop any kind of anomalous behaviour once diagnosed the disease, consult with the neurologist. Parkinson’s disease, even though it is chronic, has many therapeutic possibilities both to combat the symptoms of the disease itself, as to the adverse effects that may arise ”, ensures the DRA. Rosario Luquín.

Certain pharmacologic, or even surgery, treatments have proven to be very effective. But it is necessary that each person receives a very personalized treatment as surgery does not benefit all and each patient develops a response other than medical treatment. On the other hand, have been recently published two studies that show evidence that the Tai Chi and exercise weight lifting can significantly improve motor symptoms of Parkinson disease. Already knew that physical activity is almost as important as drug therapy to improve the quality of life of patients. But these two new studies show that combined physical activities more effective. “In this way, it can advise a pattern of Tai Chi to improve balance and gait, and a more vigorous exercise to strengthen motor skills”, concludes the DRA. Rosario Luquín.