A specialist of the Provincial Hospital in Madrid exposes a research on different techniques in dental implants.

Castellón, January 2012.- the head of the service of Stomatology of the Consortium hospital Provincial de Castellón, Javier Dolz, exhibited last Friday in Madrid during the days VII in implantology update the results of a research study that compares the results of different modalities of surgical techniques that exist for dental implants.

This study, which is part of the doctoral thesis to the specialist presented soon in the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, is based on the analysis of more than 100 patients which had been introduced teeth with different types of surgery, and soHe has counted with the collaboration of specialists in the province.

Doctor Dolz explains the teeth implantology has experienced in recent years great progress and traditional surgery surgery guided by computer in which teeth are implanted in the same surgical Act has become.

Dr. Javier Dolz

Se trata de una cirugía mínimamente invasiva en la que la operación se planifica previamente a través de un programa informático que permite al especialista realizar una minuciosa operación virtual a partir de imágenes obtenidas con un TAC.

With this new technique the patient’s life quality is much higher than with traditional surgery. The time is significantly reduced and the patient’s recovery is very quick to not have bleeding or stitches.

In less than an hour the implants are placed with the utmost precision and the process is totally painless due to anesthesia, concludes the optional.