La Clínica Universitaria dental CEU-HM offers invisible orthodontics, a more aesthetic, comfortable and hygienic than traditional removable technique.

as other treatments offered at this Centre, the placement of these transparent sequenced aligners is offered at a price significantly lower than the one established in other private clinics.

-maximum aesthetic, removable system, greater comfort and improved oral hygiene are some of the advantages of these aligners are also made to measure
-the invisible orthodontics allows movements differential, choose the quantity, type and exact timing of movement, and is ideal for patients with allergies to metals

-treatment times may be lower than necessary with the traditional and expected with certain precision

– in the University Dental Clinic CEU-HM this system is included in the orthodontic treatment options in the master of Orthodontics and orthopedics advanced

– from the point of view of health professionals, the invisible orthodontics is a revolutionary system that radically changes the way to diagnoseplan and discuss in orthodontics ”, says the director of the clinic

Madrid, November 2011- La Clínica Universitaria dental CEU-HM, fruit of the relationship begun in 2007 between HM hospitals and the University CEU San Pablo for the training of health professionals, within its portfolio of services includes invisible orthodonticsconsisting of a transparent, aesthetic and removable dental aligners which, moreover, are made to measure, which affects a greater comfort to the patient.

Other treatments offered at this Center, the placement of these sequenced aligners transparent (AST) is offered at a price significantly below the established in other private clinics, and is in charge of graduates in dentistry that are carrying out the master’s specialization in orthodontics and orthopedics Dentomaxilar and are in all cases continuously supervised by teachers of the named training program.

Dr. Pedro Fernández Domínguez, director de la Clínica Universitaria Odontológica CEU-HM

Tal y como explica el director de la Clínica Universitaria Odontológica CEU-HM, el Dr. Pedro Fernández Domínguez, este sistema, llamado Invisalign®, consiste en unos alineadores dentales transparentes, estéticos y removiblesmade to measure, with a design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM, software 3 G allows to see the virtual development of treatment to achieve the desired objectives) that used individually, they exert a slight pressure on the teeth, coming to produce tooth movement, and used sequentially, corrects malocclusion ”.

Advantages of invisible orthodontics

Its main advantage – adds – is the maximum aesthetics, as to be translucent, is mimicking the color of teeth; In addition, by being a removable system, the patient can remove it to eat, or even in situations or special events or for greater hygiene ”. Thus, using this type of Orthodontics does not require extra care with respect to the traditional, but are only required the usual procedures of oral hygiene, which is facilitated by being a removable appliances that the patient may withdraw for brushing teeth after eating and then put back.

Another advantage is that it allows to make qualitative and quantitative differential movements in each tooth – you can choose what tooth move and what tooth not move, as well as the amount, type and exact timing of movement – and not carry metals, is ideal in cases of allergies, what binds to its comfortable preparation, that only requires the taking of a single impression at the beginning of the treatment.

Ortodoncia invisible Invisalign

En esta línea, el Dr. Fernández indica que, aunque no es la característica más definitoria de la ortodoncia invisible, los tiempos de tratamiento pueden ser inferiores a los necesarios con la tradicional y, aunque en determinadas ocasiones puede variar, como el paciente lleva los alineadores durante dos semanas, el tiempo de tratamiento puede preverse con cierta precisión; por ejemplo, if it consists of 20 aligners, the total duration of treatment will be approximately 10 months.

Indications of the technique

Transparent orthodontic treatments can be divided into predictable and those that are to a lesser extent, to be more effective in the first group treatment of malocclusion with slight discrepancies of space (apiñamientos or along 1-5 mm), on bite augmented when the problem is at the level of the incisors, dento-alveolar thrusts which may be a result through inclination of recurrences of Orthodontics and teeth ”says the expert. Other equally predictable are corrections of line average of 2 mm or less and distalar teeth less than 2 mm ”, continuous.

With regard to the less predictable treatments, are included in this section more complicated cases and where any situation in which this approach is contraindicated, though without a previous study is not discarded any case as potentially correctable through orthodontics transparent may appear ”, says the director of the University Clinic dental CEU-HM.

From the point of view of health professionals, the invisible orthodontics is a revolutionary system that radically changes the way of diagnosing, planning and treating in orthodontics ” that can be performed by graduates in dentistry and, ideally, by experts in orthodontics accredited through specific courses of transparent orthodontics.

HM hospitals

HM hospitals consists of various companies that manage different packaging private hospitals including HM University Madrid, HM University Montepríncipe, HM University Torrelodones, HM University Sanchinarro, HM new Bethlehem and the Center comprehensive Oncology Clara Campal (CIOCC); all of them of great technical and human skills.

Basado en un Decálogo y en el juramento Hipocrático dirigido por médicos y con el objetivo de ofrecer una medicina de calidad, los diferentes centros de HM Hospitales se han dotado con una tecnología de vanguardia y con el personal mejor cualificado y más humano.

All HM hospitals centres operate in an integrated manner. To do so, there is a corporate structure with centralized services, as well as different management tools. This allows a complementary and synergistic action of structures, services and facilities, with the maximum utilization of the technological and human resources.