Zaragoza ( Spain), 30 mar ( EFE).-A 70 percent of smokers have alterations in the arteries, as it finds a cardiovascular prevention study involving almost 6,000 workers Spaniards, whom they were taken already 280,000 samples of DNA, blood, serum and urine.

Research, so-called “Aragon Workers ' s Health Study”, it occurs from three years between the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences (IACS) and the national centre of cardiovascular research (CNIC), and is intended to meet, since its inception, the evolution of cardiovascular diseases, said today its Coordinator, José Antonio Casasnovas.

The researcher noted in press conference that the Studio, the largest in Europe and uses very innovative techniques, reveals that 40 years are beginning to see alterations in the arteries, so the arterioresclerosis is “earlier” than I thought.

However, it is unknown whether these alterations are natural, physiological or will condition a disease, which is what they now have to analyse, added.

Of the participants in the study (workers at the plant of General Motors in Figueruelas, Zaragoza), 30 percent have hypertension, the 25 per cent obesity and 3.5 percent diabetes, said Montserrat León, the IACS and clinical Coordinator of the project.

According to Lion of 500 women studied in that group, 45 percent were smokers and men, 37 percent.

Researcher referred to smoking as the main responsible for cardiovascular disorders.

In fact, the research found that 70 percent of smokers had arterial alterations, which also is highlight in diabetics, noted Casasnovas.

These volunteers with an average age of 49 years in the case of males and 40 in the women, they were between two and three shots of samples of DNA, blood, serum and urine, took them the weight, the size and the abdominal perimeter, and assessed if taking medication, and were “totally” matched with its environment in smoking, diabetes and obesity, said Casasnovas.

However, he was “surprised” by the fact that in this car factory, thanks to “Ergonomics” labour implanted, most hard physical work is the lift 4.5 kilograms of weight with manipulators, so calorie consumption is half of what I thought.

Cardiovascular disease will be the cause of death of nearly half of Spaniards and between 70 and 75 percent of admissions.

Hence the importance of this study, which will be extended in time with the follow-up of health volunteers, stressed Martín Laclaustra, Assistant Director of the CNIC BioBank.

In this Center are saved 140,000 samples of workers participating in the study (each with a microchip with all data), a similar amount to which is at 80 degrees below zero in the freezers of the BioBank of the Hospital Miguel Servet, in Zaragoza, which began to operate in 2011. EFE