Today, the Brazilian Association of medicine group (Abramge) and the National Union of Dentistry Group (Sinog), respectively, the 16th edition and the 7th Congress with the theme central Technology in Health – instrument for sustainable development ”. The event takes place until the day 19, Maksoud Plaza Hotel, in São Paulo.


the Abramge, representative of the largest private segment of health in the country, brings together more than 270 affiliates responsible coverage to 14 million people, representing more than 80% of the population served by medical companies group. The Sinog, also organizer of this meeting, is the national representative of the Group Dentistry operators that cover more than 7 million people


among the topics that will be worked out in two days of the event are: the current Stage and prospects of Technological Brazil; Management Assistance; Technological advancement in health management; Technology for small and medium-sized Carriers; Quality as a factor of sustainability; Vision carriers; It in healthcare management;

among others.

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