action to retrieve a person’s sudden death must be immediate, less than two or three minutes to be successful

-The medical checks carried out to athletes are sometimes inadequate.

-the percentage of survivors to a sudden death is environment to 5% – 10%.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, April 2012.- It’s a really shocking fact for the speed with which takes place and the outcome of the same. We can say that a sudden death is when occurs in less than an hour since the patient, without prior known serious disease, begins to suffer the first symptoms until it dies. According to Dr. Ignacio Camacho, cardiologist of the Clínica USP La Esperanza, performance in order to recover a person’s sudden death must be immediate, less than two or three minutes to be successful ”.

In the sports world this event causes a great shock, on the one hand are estimated to be athletes, and especially those involved in sport at a high level, healthy people, without prior pathologies, and because their sport involves continuous checkups, however, medical examinations carried out athletes are sometimes insufficient ”maintains the specialist.

Symptoms can range from the sudden loss of consciousness, severe pain in the chest or head to sensation of dizziness, palpitations, etc. in the moments before his death. Disease are the most common causes of sudden death in athletes coronary (which have more than 35 years) followed by cardiomyopathy with arrhythmias (the most common in the age of 35 years), not however, in about 30% of cases the autopsy reveals clearly the cause of sudden death. In addition, data are nothing flattering: the percentage of survivors to a sudden death is very low, around 5% – 10%. An electric shock with a defibrillator can achieve the recovery of a sportsman when the cause is an arrhythmia, but must have the necessary means, sports facilities must be prepared and the action must be immediate ”, Apostille the cardiologist.

Sudden death in people who do not practice sports of high level

The causes of sudden death in those people who do not a sport competition is mainly due to physical ailments or so-called electrical disorders.

Most of the times is due to cardiovascular diseases (such as rupture of an arterial aneurysm located in the brain or in the aorta, producing a massive hemorrhage and with her sudden death), though the most common cause is caused by ischemic heart disease, extensive heart disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (all heart disease), as well as other cardiomyopathies can cause arrhythmias, as arritmogénica of right ventricular dysplasia.

Electric disorders, some of them are hereditary, they stand out as a cause of sudden death of Brugada syndrome, long QT syndrome and short QT syndrome.

Also, relate as causes of sudden death sport with an extreme effort, dehydration, the use of stimulant medications (such as the anabolic) or the use of drugs such as cocaine.

Prediction and prevention of sudden death

There are some predictive elements, particularly those people who have a family history of sudden death. Thus, through an electrocardiogram may appear indicators showing data likelihood of sudden death, particularly in people with a family history of ”, confirms the specialist of USP La Esperanza.

When it comes to prevention, some patients with electrical syndromes, as the Brugada syndrome, who have high risk of arrhythmia is them implanted a cardioverter defibrillator (DAI). In this way, when the patient suffers from arrhythmia, the defibrillator gives automatically an electric shock that terminates.

On the USP hospital group

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. Currently, USP hospital boasts a network of 12 hospitals and 23 health centres which assist 4,000 doctors annually serving more than two million patients. In addition, at the beginning of 2012 is expected between commissioning a new Hospital USP La Bay in El Campo de Gibraltar.