
A high percentage of the population of hoarse, interrupting the sleep of those who live with these people. The snoring are the clue that something does not go well, these are caused by obstruction of the passage of air through channels that exist behind the mouth and nose and can be very harmful to those who suffer.

There are many ways to avoid the snoring, but perhaps you should know that there are foods that can help you. Like honey, which due to their anti-inflammatory properties, is even used by singers, to soothe their throats. A bit of honey before going to bed you will be great.

eating fish can help you to not snoring, according to studies with saturated fat, or red meat can cause swelling in the nasal cavities. This is why what eat oily fish or white meats to prevent snoring.

Is advisable to consume milk soy, rather than cow’s milk already that this last and dairy products in general, increase mucus in the nostrils, so increases the possibility of the emergence of the snoring. And we must also take into account the olive oil, which has properties anti-inflammatory.

Health things

Tags: food beneficial to prevent snoring, snoring remedies