Everyone can afford a glass from time to time, but… what drink does more calories?

Some of the drinks offered in bars son:

White Russian

which contains nothing more and nothing less than 425 calories in a single glass. A veritable bomb because of its ingredients: coffee, vodka and cream liqueur.

Mai Tai, another bomb of calories by ingredients: rum, grenadine, and varied fruit syrup. In a single glass, we have to consume 350 calories. This drink originated in Tahiti.

Margarita drink favorite of many girls. Delicious but full of calories. Ingredients: Tequila, Triple sec, and Contreau. Added 327 calories by glass.

From Puerto Rico, comes the famous Piña Colada. Rum, cream of coconut and pineapple liqueur, contains 312 appetizing calories.

The famous Free Cuba 361 calories.

These are some of the most common drinks and that if we go out for drinks, can we consume, but you can opt for other less calorie and replaceable for an equally pleasant evening.

Champagne, drink frothy with only 70 calories, can be one of the beverage alternatives.

The traditional wine is if Red 82 calories per Cup, if it is white 87.

A curious fact is that of beer, because he has always believed in the famous «barriguilla» of the beer, but it is not. This drink has 100 calories per Cup, so it can take calmly in the summer, what really produces the «barriguilla’ it is what it is accompanied by.