An diabetes.It’s an operation aimed at eliminating this disease of the body, and currently takes place in our country in the Chiron Zaragoza Hospital.

A step forward for the eradication of this disease. Afflicted patients of diabetes who undergo intervention may fail to treat to treat the disease, with the consequent improvement in their quality of life.

what this innovative technique? Because is trafficking in an operation that is performed through surgery by laparoscopia: are that simple interventions, which only last about 50 minutes. The little time it takes to do it serves to ensure that the patient’s recovery is faster.

In particular, what is done in the operation is to exclude the duodenum and the upper part of the small intestine of the normal transit of food eaten . This change in the process implies a change in hormones and biochemical activity of the area, what powerfully influences the level of glucose in the blood and also reduces absorption of calories of food by the body.

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Tags: surgery diabetes, treat diabetes