For those women that we are working, but we are also dedicated to take care of our home, a new option to be always fresh and arranged offer new lines make up.

They are based in shades of very natural, with a good level of coverage but without exaggeration in the hue of the color.

Eyes suggest delineated and with a touch of mascara in the tabs and if any shadow, you can be in shades of brown or pale pink for the skins more white.

The strident lipsticks are replaced by soft and natural, glare that leave unveil the meatiness of the female, lips which both tend to appeal to the men.

As you can note the trend tries to unveil a woman sexy behind the employee or the housewife that we see daily in the mirror more next.

A gift to the spirit of each lady that fulfil their obligations, should not overlook its appearance and image body.

The small details of naturalness, discrete colors and elegant elections, combine giving rise to a true lady who plays in their work and not therefore ceases to be female and conqueror.

Then have always at hand: database translucent makeup, shade for eyelids in soft pastel shades, eyes and lips eyeliner, mascara, gloss lipstick.

From that look would be completed, if the ladies are encouraged to add some discreet accessory to this new aspect option integral.