Anisakis the word anisakis is a virtually unknown until some fifteen years ago, when began to popularize because of cases of allergies that began to occur in our society. At the beginning, this parasite was only known in countries such as Japan (the name is Japanese) and the Netherlands, where the consumption of fish oil is common

Anisakis Simplex, which is its Latin name, is a nematode worm that parasitizes marine mammals and large fishes. They eject their eggs through feces, and these, to be consumed by smaller species (hake, anchovy, squid …), they stay in your gut and go out there the larvae. When fish die, they migrate to the viscera or even skin.

people can come to serve as host for the larvae of anisakis accidentally, if we consume fish parasitised that not has been frozen previously, and be further raw or not or sufficiently cooked. The deep-sea fish tends to be eviscerado at the time and presents less danger of parasitación; on the coast suffers more risk.

Once someone has ingested larvae, can undergo two types of Pathology: the anisakiasis or anisakidosis, and the anisakis allergy. Both become infected by eating raw, macerated or shortly cooked fish (marinated in vinegar, type shusi or shashimi preparations, the microwave dishes …).

The anisakiasis may have mild prognosis, but also can become serious, its symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea. Usually the larvae may be removed, but in other cases, it is necessary surgery.

The anisakis allergy is most common, and usually display in the form of skin rashes or even large red welts. In more severe cases, can reach the anaphylactic shock. In all cases, the best is prevention; fish should Cook is always at least 60 ° C for 10 minutes, temperature at which the larvae die, and it is also advisable to freeze him for twenty-four hours before consuming it.


Tags: prevention anisakis, anisakis treatment