How sure that all have suffered ever annoying CONTRACTURE. To me arose me one back when I went to the hairdresser on one occasion, and had the neck bent too long while I they washed the head … is logical, because muscle contractions originate when muscles spend too much time in positions bit suitable.


is contractions to suffer while exercising, by having not stretched well or are subjecting the body to positions inappropriate.A bit too long on the spinning bike, a session of very long jogging without stretching before and after … and ready; the pain is installed and the muscle protrudes.

contractions can appear while we perform the exercise or later, but are equally painful. If not treated properly, can settle in our body for a long time, going increasingly worse.

Appropriate to a Contracture treatment it should be the doctor. Generally speaking, the medications used tend to be anti-inflammatory and relaxing muscle, which must always be prescribed by the doctor.

The implementation of local calor-frío and massage professionals are also effective methods that will get us rid as soon as possible of the pain and inflammation. But more importantly, prevent evil before suffering: a good session of stretching before and after exercise, and proper control of the charges and times (in gyms and rooms of fitness, spinning, aerobics, football …) are key.

Tags: prevention contractures, spasms treatment