Montevideo, 18 mar (EFE).-two Uruguayan nurses are detained as alleged perpetrators of “dozens” of deaths in centers of intensive care (CTI) of a sanatorium and a hospital of the Uruguayan capital, police and judicial sources confirmed today.

Men, aged 36 and 49 and long professional career, apparently had no relationship between itself and the cases were uncovered after some dubious considered deaths.

The alleged murders occurred in cardiac Hospital Maciel, dependent on the State, unity and the CTI neurosurgical of the first Spanish Association of mutual aid, one of the most reputable mutualist the country.

After a police investigation of two months gathered evidence to incriminate the nurses in the death of several in-patient.

Questionable deaths linked nurses are “tens” told the judge the case, Rolando Vomero, which leads to local news media.

Police sources estimated could be fifty people killed by combination of drugs or other procedures in apparently two years who were acting nurses.

During police questioning detainees argued “humanitarian reasons” to justify their action.

A woman, also nurse and companion of the previous ones, is also detained but would have no relation to crimes.

The Ministry of public health authorities have not made statements and the case is being analyzed by the Minister Jorge Venegas and their collaborators.