art also cure. People who survived a stroke recover faster and have a better quality of life if they enjoy the various forms of art.

Ercole Vellone of the University of Tor Vergata (Italy), researcher main, considers ″que our study shows the importance of keeping in touch with art life to recover after a stroke. Art seems to generate changes in the brain that help you recover when things go mal″.

The expert also highlights how common is this disease currently ″cada six second a person suffers a stroke in the mundo″. In fact, this disease is the third leading cause of death and main cause of disability in adults.

Art for health

in his research, Vellone worked with 192 people around 70 years who had suffered a stroke. Each volunteer reported if he liked art, that kind of art enjoyed and how often. On the other hand, the expert compared the quality of life of the volunteers who were in contact with art and those who do not.

And it turned out that people that frequented the art showed better overall health, found it easier to walk and they felt more vital. In addition, mood was much more beneficial because they were less anxious, more cheerful and showed fewer symptoms of depression.

As if this outside little, his memory worked more efficiently, they could more easily understand what is said to them and made them understand better. ″Las people who survived a stroke which considered art as part of their previous lifestyle showed a better ability to recuperación″, ensures Vellone.

The expert believes that it is vital to find new treatments to improve the quality of life of people who survive a stroke, and the art could be a good strategy.

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