(www.neomundo.com.ar) cope with asthma is a big challenge for everyone, but especially for children. Music, drawing and dancing could give them a hand as art therapy may reduce anxiety and increase the quality of life of children who suffer from this disease, concluded a new Studio.

“Asthma impacts a child’s physical well-being, but also has a considerable effect on their quality of life and psychological development.” “Our study shows that the therapy with art to children with severe and chronic asthma is clearly beneficial,” said Anya Beebe, National Jewish health (United States).

The effort by BREATHING

asthma is a chronic condition that affects the Airways, making them very sensitive to substances which do not affect a person healthy, such as pollen, mold and moisture, among many others. In the presence of these factors, the airway muscles contract and become inflamed. That is why the air cannot reach easily the lungs, producing symptoms such as difficulty to inspire and expiration, wheezing and coughing.

During an asthma crisis, all these symptoms get worse and it is even more difficult to breathe. The researchers explained that this situation creates a stress so strong that it extends much after the end of the attack.

Art that calm

with the aim of alleviating the anxiety generated by asthma in children, the researchers analyzed the effectiveness of art therapy. They worked with guys from 7 to 14 years and offered one hour per week of this treatment for seven weeks.

In each session, patients young designed a work where they expressed their feelings and concerns about the disease. His creations served in turn as a starting point for talking about all these issues.

The researchers who published their findings in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, argued that children receiving this therapy showed significant improvements in the communication, the quality of life, anxiety and the capacity to solve problems. Beebe said that even six months later of completed treatment children were still enjoying pleasant mood.

The specialist said that art could help the youngsters take away from their problems and better understand that they have a personality on the outside of his illness. “Art therapy can be a very important complement to the treatment of physical pathology in children,” he concluded Beebe.

More information at www.neomundo.com.ar