Associations of pensioners draw attention to double discrimination that older women suffer: their gender and the age.

is necessary to promote their participation in all areas.

-women over the age of 65 suffer higher levels of loneliness, less purchasing power and lower levels of education than men

–a study concludes that its work in the care of the grandchildren would a 08% of GDP

-his presence in the social field is weak: for example 88.5% of judges and magistrates in active age of 61 are men, compared with 11.5% of women

Madrid, March of 2013- older in Spain women represent almost 10% of the total population, with a life expectancy of 87 years, whereas, in the case of malesIt was located in the 83.1. This is the only parameter favour women over men in Spain.

In Spain, 25.7% of women over the age of 65 living alone (10.3% of men). In countries like Denmark, Slovakia and Sweden the percentage of elderly women living alone reached almost 55%; in Norway, Finland and Estonia 48%; in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany and the Netherlands around 45%. (Active ageing and solidarity between generations: the contribution of volunteering and civic engagement in Europe.) European Union. October 2012).

A 25.5% (major survey, Imserso 2010) of older women caring for household members who are en¬fermos, and 47% of elderly men respond that their women are who care for ill persons at home. In addition 48% of women claim cui¬dar daily to his grandchildren, with an average of 5.3 hours men and 6.2% women.

This contribution – the care of the grandchildren-according to calculations made by the teachers Dizy, Fernández Moreno and Ruiz Cañete (Economics and elderly, Imserso, 2008), would be the amount of 0.8% of GDP and 12% of the total amount of expenditure on retirement and widow’s pensions (contributory and non-contributory) Social security system.

The contribution of women ma¬yores to the economy, it is clear that it is very important, however, the assessment of the work being done is scarce. Still today when the older man takes the role of caregiver sick partner, causes admiration, while in the female this is perceived as an obligation. must struggle, from larger organizations, so that is valued the contribution of the woman in society, and must create conditions to break those roles ”, says Margarita García Durá, Secretary general of UDP.

Nevertheless, the image of fragility, of worthlessness if same and ne¬cesitar care is that more has become popular in the society and the Group of seniors without major differences by gender. 36.2% Of society think, (a women 36.9% and 35.5% of men) taking the women this perception in higher degree than boys even among the elderly. Older women believe it by 31.2%, while men make it a 28.3%.

In this sense, adds Margarita García there is an age glass ceiling for women, who are considered old at an age younger than the men. Women in general are en¬frentan with obstacles to their promotion at an earlier age than men. Many executives and entrepreneurs perceive women as older workers aged 30 years and seems to be a general acceptance to the fact that the woman ends up ascend in his career being 10 years younger than the man ”.

The effect of lifelong gender inequality worsens with age and frequently relies on rules deeply rooted social and cul¬turales. The discrimination faced by older women is often the result of an unfair distribution of resources, ill-treatment, abandonment and restriction of access to basic services.

Anyway hope that the next generation of old people who grew up during the decades of the sixties and seventies (mainly those living in urban centres), will have been exposed to changes in their working life and the expectations of gender roles. Society will have to face the challenge of responding to these experiences and expectations with an equitable approach and empowerment ”, concludes Garcia hard.

Result of these social inequalities suffered by older women throughout his life is the underrepresentation of women in the social field: according to the data provided by the General Council of the judiciary to January 1, 2012, 88.5% of judges and magistrates in active age of 61 are men, compared with 11.5% of women.

At public universities, the 65-year-old teaching staff represents 3% of the total, and of this the 15.9% are women. At private universities, the percentage is similar, with 2.3% of teachers over 65 that 13.8% are women. (INE, 2006)

The presence of over 65s in the direction of the prin¬cipales trade union organizations is practically zero. Of the total of trade union organisations consulted, 57% has one person aged 55-65 in the di¬reccion and no organization has with women in leadership positions so the representativeness of older women is null.
In the Chamber of Deputies, 25 members older than 65, seven are women.

The presence of older people in general, and of the elderly woman in particular in the country decision-making bodies – adds Garcia Dura – must increase proportionally in the years ”.

Democratic pensioners Union

The UDP is the first organization of the largest in the country, with more than 2,500 associations in all Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Peru and Uruguay, which bring together more than one million five hundred thousand partners. For 35 years, it develops activities in defence of the interests of older persons and the promotion of active ageing. Holds the Vice-Presidency of the State Council of older persons, and is a member of the Council of the platform of the Third Sector, from the platform of NGOs ’ s of Social Action; Platform of promotion of volunteering and the European Forum on healthy aging, among other entities.