Attack what happens when someone suffers an attack on corazón: pain in the chest pain, left arm, drowning … but there are many other symptoms that we should not lose sight of. In addition, women experience sensations which in many cases are different from the of the men.

So is be more conscious of how manifested usually stroke;a reaction time can save our lives or those that are closer. Here are all signals that should awaken our alarm.

palpitations can be a sign that something is malfunctioning in the heart. Heart rate can be fast, slow or normal, but most importantly, be regular. Although they may be a sign that something goes wrong in the cardicao system, there are alterations in metabolism that they change the frequency of heartbeat and should always be taken into account as a dysfunction of the thyroid, or anemia.

The feeling of drowning is one of the most worrying signs. Although this may be due to other causes, for example to an anxiety attack, it can also be related to a coronary problem. And even more when there is still resting or doing an activity very slight.

The oppression and pain in the chest is also a classic symptom; in angina pectoris lasts about twenty minutes, while if it suffers a heart attack can last from thirty minutes up to several hours. Attention also to pain in the neck, the neck and the shoulders

A typical signal, although little known, is to have the feet swollen. The accumulation of water causes this swelling, and we see how the skin presents a brilliant State. Although the heat can be the cause, if there is a failure of the pumping of blood from the heart also may occur this symptom.

Source / magazine prevent.

Tags: attacks on the heart, heart attack symptoms, heart attack treatments