Basque country and Navarre are the communities pioneer to detect indidencia cancer of breast through programmes of prevention.

prevent to live!

– the CAPV began in 1995 the programme for early detection of breast cancer to women aged 50 to 69, based on the realization of – in its first 15 years the program has obtained a detection rate of 4.28 cancers per 1,000 women explored.

-this type of tumor is more mortality presents among Basque women, with a rate of mortality in 2008 of 17.6 for every 100,000 women

Bilbao, 2011-July communities pioneers in prevention policies early breast cancer, as Navarre and the Basque country, which recorded lower rates of mortality although the trend is to match in all Spain, as it highlights a study recently published in the prestigious international journal that uses the data collected by the National Institute of statistics (INE) between 1975 and 2005 in all the Spanish provinces (except Ceuta and Melilla).

the study points to the autonomous communities of the Basque country and Navarre as the first of the State to implement programmes of detection for this type of tumor, such as breast cancer screening

to the thread of this study, the head of the programme for early detection of cancer of breast of Osakidetza/Basque health service, Garbiñe Sarriugarte, stresses that as is the case in industrialized societies, this is the most common among BASQUE women cancer ” by stating the screening mammography as one of the most important actions against this health problem ”.

, Sarriugarte explains that this health problem is that presents more mortality among women of Basque country, with a rate of mortality by the year 2008 of 17.6 for every 100,000 females ”.

also indicates that do not know the causes, is not currently possible to carry out primary prevention with the aim of avoiding the appearance of the disease ”. , however, the precise expert to do some associated factors are known ” and therefore considers it important to carry out a secondary prevention, early detection through the screening mammography led to population to risk-based ”.

thus, in 1995, the Basque Government Department of Health launched the programme for early detection of cancer of the breast (PDPCM) in the Basque country, which is currently aimed at women in the Basque country of 50-69 years (both inclusive).

possible earlier stage breast cancers are detected through mammograms of both breasts in double projection, on a biennial, basis, in order to reduce deaths due to such causes and improving the quality of life of the women involved, carrying out more treatments conservatives.


the results of this programme since its inception in November of 1995 to the end of December 2010, indicate that 1.385.361 women mentioned in the different rounds of the programme, was attended by 1.118.182 (80,715%), which were made of screening (bilateral mammography in double screening) mammograms.

a 95.386 (8.53%), they were other additional radiological tests. Of all these, a 1.11% (12,400 women) were derived from different referral hospitals, to carry out the diagnostic confirmation and treatment.

of 12,400 women arising for diagnostic-therapeutic Protocol, 4.789 cancers that were diagnosed 54,80% compose it more cancers in situ, the invasive minors or equal to 1 cm, having benefited from 79.30% of conservative surgical treatment of the breast. The rate of detection of the program has been for the evaluated period (15 first years of the programme) 4.28 cancers for every 1,000 females explored.

other results of the programme, according to the latest survey of satisfaction of users of the programme, carried out at the end of 2009 (performed on a biennial basis) stresses that 96.9 per cent of the women surveyed were very or fairly satisfied their passage by the program. 100% Believed that the programme is necessary and also 100% responded that they come to the program when they convened again. Females due to referral hospital, 96.5% were very or fairly satisfied of their passage by the hospital.

the specialist stresses that the objective of the PDPCM is the decrease in mortality from breast cancer ”, but indicates that this is an objective in the long term and short term assessment is based on the analysis of indicators called predictors such as the rate of participation, the detection rate and tumors minima (tumors in situ and invasive tumors, minor or equal to 1 cm).”.

in the evaluation of the first 5 rounds of the PDPCM in the Basque country, all indicators reach or improve the objectives established at the beginning of the programme, as well as the desirable guides European standards, which makes us to be optimistic with regard to the programme general objective ”, explained.

action imminent.

en 20110, the Basque Government approved the extension of the PDPCM women of the Basque country from 40 to 49 years, with a family history (AF) grade breast cancer: parent, sister or daughter or.

during the months of May to July 2011, carried out the pilot phase 4 health zones of the Basque country and will be starting in October 2011, when start to invite women aged 40-49, in all the Basque country, areas of health, according to circuits designed for each mammography unit, along with the women’s 50-69 years.