Beatriz Aramburu and Miguel Dorronsoro exhibited his works in the College of nursing until July 13.

Spain, June 2012.- El College of nursing of Alicante hosts an exhibition of paintings by Beatriz Aramburu and Miguel Dorronsoro until next July 13. The show, which is entitled “Two seas”, consists of acrylic and oil paintings with canvases of different formats that make a total of 18 pieces.

Miguel Dorronsoro, con una de sus obras en la sala de exposiciones del Colegio.

The exhibition displays two different visions of “the sea”. The two sides of the coin. On the one hand, Aramburu plasma the hardest part, though satisfactory and laborious work of fishermen. Dorronsoro presents a vision more fun and holiday sea, recreating the “wave baths” of the city of Santander back in the 19th century.

The sample can visit from 8 to 15 pm collegiate facilities.