With the opening of places for dental health Teams, mainly in family health Strategy, increasingly tying to increased competitiveness in the labour market, currently owns the professional profile of dentistry becomes a determining factor for success.


behavioral skills that professional presents, nowadays, are decisive factors for hiring. We need to have professionals with emotional balance and with good technical training


could say that teach a TSB inserting a restorative material in a cavity is “easier” than teach you how to have empathy or waist game. It is also much more “quiet” show at ASB performing a quality supervised brushing, than waiting until it has an assertive communication or negotiate well. And, in relation to the CD, the difficulty guide you as to your leadership role or entrepreneurial vision is greater than updating it on the latest medications for pain control.

dental health team can only really understand how a team if all components of this group have attitudes consistent with that of a set. The link and the interpersonal relationship among professionals within a room of dentistry are the secrets for a day to day successful. The patient feels when he is in an environment where interpersonal relations are harmonious and well resolved. Therefore, it is essential that the professional search be increasingly complete, not only technically, but also in their behavioral competences.

the colleges of dentistry and training courses of the ASB and TSB still have an educational model centered on technicality, without preparing professionals to work in team.

Our training should seek lapidary emotional skills that students already have naturally. Nobody is 100% good in all desired behavioral competences, it is important to lapidá them


in addition, one should always be up to date with the happenings of our profession, i.e., it is unacceptable that a dental health contributor if not update constantly, mainly as regards the correct techniques of biosecurity and safety standards of

their patients.

another situation that compromises a smooth development of activities within a dental practice is the lack of respect for acting of colleagues in the same professional category or another. I want to say here that it is expected that a CD respects your TSB and its ASB and develop in order to act well, within the limits allowed by law. It’s so rewarding to see professionals well placed and wearing the shirt of his function, without dispute, and there is only the sum of knowledge and experiences. This example above is expected also between ASB and TSB.

below is a short definition of some of the major behavioral skills important for a professional who want to act on the family health Strategy


  • teamwork: ability to relate to others, encouraging the collective work for a “well” common
  • .

  • Trading : ability to establish agreements in various situations where all parties leave satisfied
  • .

  • : Empathy ability to put in place of another and understand your point of view
  • .

  • : assertive Communication ability “put together”, at the right time, being objective and clear
  • .entrepreneurial Vision:

  • ability to identify potential in situations and in people so assertive, innovative and appropriate. Easily troubleshoot.

Now, simply reflect which of these skills are already strong in you, evidence for them, and what are those which require improvements, to work them. The development of these competencies will also reflect in your daily life, with family and friends!

get in a team is easy, the difficult thing is to stay well with yourself and with your fellow


be happy! Update-if!


< p style = "text-align: center;" > * Collaborated in the drafting of this text: Danielle Machado Lopes, Nurse partner in women’s health SBIBAE Albert Einstein, a specialist in obstetrics, Nursing Master module, Coordinator of the women’s health postgraduate in family health and Community

– Albert Einstein.



Behavioral/ > Dra. Danielle Palacio >/Surgeon-dentist. Dental health partner of the Israeli Institute of Social responsibility of Albert Einstein Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira. Specialist in collective health. Graduate student in collective health. Dental health module Coordinator specializing in family health and community of the Israeli Institute of teaching and Research Hospital AlbertEinstein. Lecturer, Biological Team. />