Benefits and properties of the nougat.

almonds containing nougat help prevent osteoporosis and improve joints thanks to power antioxidant.

Spain, January 2012- nougat is a Christmas sweet from very popular for its flavor. Many consumers do not know what certain types of nougat can bring benefits for our health.

Nougat healthier to consume these Christmas is that of Jijona (Alicante) whose recipe consists of honey, sugar, clara of egg and almonds (up to 64%). In case that we want to eat sweets this Christmas, nutritionists recommend us the nougat with almonds, which improve our cardiovascular health.

Properties of almonds for the salud:

Almonds contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, PP, (c), A D and E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, and other properties. The almonds become a source of vegetable, proteins essential for consumption by children. Its antioxidant power also helps to protect the State of joints in young adulthood.

Its calcium content helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Almond also becomes a medicinal ally because of its antiseptic properties.

However, despite its enormous advantages we must not forget that it is a food that we consume in moderation, for its high caloric content. It is important to not get carried away by the labels of light ” or low-fat ” it contains sweeteners but they maintain a high level of fat.