Beijing, 16 feb ( EFE).- China will launch in June the unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou IX” that you attach to your module space “ Tiangong I”, in order to continue the program of creation of a permanent base in the cosmos, they reported responsible for the above-mentioned project today the State portal of information

The mission will include the opening of a structure channeled between both vehicles, something that was not tested in the first Chinese space docking, last year, and that will leave pass air between the two areas, with a view to its future use by astronauts.

“Temperature, humidity and pressure are going to be controlled once air ventilate between both ships, to ensure the safety of the astronauts who will be in the module the next mission”, explained Zhu.

Will the “Shenzhou IX” carry animals and seeds for experiments in conditions of gravity zero and radiation.

The next step, in 2013, will be the launch of the “Shenzhou X”, yes it will be manned by two or three cosmonauts and also AUVs to the module, stressed Zhu Yilin, the space technology Institute of China scientist.

The manned spacecraft carried out manual and automatic links and experiments, as well as maintenance of the module.

China launched its previous spacecraft, “Shenzhou VIII”, in November 2011 and after two weeks in orbit it docked at the “Tiangong I”, becoming the first Chinese ship to join another.

In space exploration experts estimate that China currently has the level of technology in this field were the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s, but it is progressing more rapidly than Washington and Moscow, where economic problems and doubts about the viability of the space exploration have slowed progress for years. EFE