The survey, done by the Ministry of health based on interviews and oral examinations in 38 thousand persons shows that Brazil joined the Group of countries with low prevalence of tooth decay.


this number points to a direct reflection of the Brazil program deployment, Smiling in 2003, who went on to offer specialized treatment, prevention and rehabilitation

throughout the country.

To be part of this group, the PCO indicator must be between 2.6 and 1.2, according to the classification of the World Health Organization. In 2003, the country had 2.8 index, passing, currently, to 2.1 — better than the average

of the countries of the Americas.

the research points to a 26% drop in the number of tooth decay in children 12 years since 2003 — age used as reference by the organization who, as it is at that stage that the permanent dentition is practically complete.

other data with the SB Brazil 2010 is the number of children who have never had caries in life. The proportion of children with caries-free 12 years grew from 31% to 44%. ” This means that 1.4 million children have no currently decayed tooth — 30% more than in 2003. >
