Cardiovascular disease are that most frequently pass the temporary disability to the permanent

Spain, 2011-October the address Provincial of the Institute national of Social Security, through the assessment teams, disabilities, performing work that often ends with the denial of the condition of disabled permanent, and therefore in the courts. Thus, the transition from temporary incapacitation to permanent incapacitation may require several years in which good advice, both medical and legal, it is very important.

For the attainment of permanent incapacitation, it usually is of having obtained the status of disabled temporary. In this situation other 6 months has only you can stay for a maximum period of 12 months, extendable. After this time, he incapacitated must look for its permanent as incapacitated final qualification or denial of that status.

According to a study by Ibermutuamur, diseases with highest percentage passing of temporary inability to permanent disability are cardiovascular diseases, which is carried out by 8.9 per cent of the time. Followed malignant tumors with 7.9 per cent, diseases of the nervous system with a 5.6%, and mental disturbances with 3.2%.

Of these diseases, which require more sick days, within the temporary disability, are malignant tumors, with 183 days on average. Mental disturbances followed with 153 days, diseases of the nervous system require 135 days of media and cardiovascular disease in 128 days. Instead the diseases that need less days of temporary disability leave are respiratory diseases, with 25 days: the latter passed to permanent disability only 1.3 per cent of the cases.

The law medical group is the main medico specialized in the processing of pension for permanent incapacity in Spain, that it offers to those who have illnesses which prevent them from working, medical, technical and legal advice for the sole purpose that the patient can get permanent disability which has the right.