The early detection of diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts is key to avoid losing visual.

el Ópticos-Optometristas General Schools Council recommends a visual periodic revision to correct vision problems and avoid, in the most unfavourable situations blindness.

-13 October, world day of vision

-cataracts, glaucoma and degeneration macular (DMAE) are the main problems of the vision of the elderly. A review on time helps prevent associated problems, and even blindness

-the 50 per cent of the cases of visual loss are preventable with early detection and adequate treatment

Madrid, 2011-October in the same way than in the rest of the parts of the body, prevention is key to our eyes continue to operate correctly for as long as possible, and it is no exaggeration to say that up to 50 per cent of cases of visual loss are preventable with early detection and adequate treatment. On the occasion of the celebration of the world sight day on 13 October, the General Council of Ópticos-Optometristas schools wishes to recall that a simple recognition can become our main ally to retain the sense most important ”.

Is important to take care of our eyes and make regular eye and Visual reviews, not only to correct vision problems, but also to prevent blindness in unfavorable situations, ”, explains the President of the Council General of schools of Ópticos-Optometristas, Juan Carlos Martínez morality.

By means of a visual examination, clarifies Martínez morals, the óptico-optometrista is not only able to determine if we suffer any refractive, such as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism defect, but it can be seen evidence of possible anomalies affecting our eye health, such as cataracts or visual impairments that initially we are not aware, such as glaucoma, but that cause irreversible loss of vision ”.

But the usefulness of the ocular reviews does not stop there: the eyes are Windows to other parts of the body, so many diseases have their eye manifestation. Thus hypertension can manifest itself in the blood vessels in the back of the eye, for example, diabetes damages the ocular structures and some brain tumors can create signs, detectable in a visual field test. The óptico-optometrista is able to discover the early signs of these diseases and recommend to the patient than go to the specialist.

From the age of 55, major problems

In the population over 55 age group, the use of visual correction amounts up to 92% of the total population. And that, as well as presbyopia, from this age people are more likely to suffer a series of vision problems associated with the passage of the years, such as cataracts, glaucoma, or the AMD. A visit in time to the óptico-optometrista help to detect in time these pathologies in more unfavourable cases, can lead to blindness.


Cataracts are a normal consequence of aging and it is the leading cause of vision loss among people over 55 years. The greater is the person, greater is the probability of occurrence and progression of cataracts. Almost 3 out of 4 people over 75 years of age suffer from cataracts. However there are occasions when cataracts appear in ages more early, especially if they suffer from certain diseases such as diabetes, intraocular inflammation and high myopia, among others.

Typically cataracts are manifested by a slow, progressive decline in vision: it appears cloudy, blurred or as if through a veil, and does not improve when switching glasses. In addition, the hue of the color is lost. A regular eye exam is all that is needed to detect cataracts.


Glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure, lack of drainage of aqueous humor, which produces lesions in the optic nerve with problems in the vision is and, if not corrected in time, blindness. This disease is one of the leading causes of blindness in developed countries. In our country suffers more than one million of people older than 40 years, but almost half unknown. With a visit to the óptico-optometrista know how is the ocular tension and if we have risk for glaucoma.

Macular degeneration (AMD) to

Macular degeneration associated with age is a degenerative disease that affects the macula and causes loss of vision central, essential for activities such as reading, driving, watching television or recognize faces. It is the second leading cause of blindness more common in the elderly, behind diabetes. Several theories have arisen as the cause of this degeneration macular. Ultraviolet light is partly blamed, but other scenarios speak of nutritional factors. What is demonstrated is that early diagnosis is essential to minimize the consequences of the AMD. Periodic control of the Fund’s eye performs the óptico-optometrista it can prevent and/or warn the emergence of some forms of degeneration macular.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes can cause progressive damage to the tiny blood capillaries that supply the retina, which causes inflammation of the retinal tissue and blurred vision. This condition usually affects both eyes. The more time take a person to suffer diabetes, more likely to have of developing diabetic retinopathy, which increases the risk of blindness.

Retinal detachment

It is a tear or separation of the retina from the underlying tissue. It can be caused by trauma, health problems such as diabetes or inflammatory disorders. But most often occurs spontaneously as a result of changes in the vitreous fluid found in the back of the eye. If it is not in time, can cause a permanent loss of vision, which is why, if there are changes in spots or flashes of light, should go as soon as possible to the specialist.

with what frequency should review we view?

– during childhood, most advisable is to perform the first visual examination as soon as possible, taking into account that by the age of five children are learning to read, and repeat them every year, especially at the beginning of each course. These reviews are used to assess both eye health and visual functionality and the ability of understanding.

– between twenty and forty years, will have to revise our vision every two years, unless the presence of a visual problem advice to shorten that period.

-from forty years increases the risk of abnormalities or Visual dysfunctions, is recommended at least once a year to attend the óptico-optometrista.

Day vision world

The world day of vision, which was held the second Thursday of October, is intended to draw attention to blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of the visually impaired. The central theme of this year is the eye health and equal access to eye care.

At the global level, the highest prevalence of visual impairment is observed in people older than 50 years of both sexes. Although the majority of eye diseases that afflict this age group can be treated with ease, as it is the case of cataracts, in some parts of the world still must be men and women to receive equal eye care services.

The world vision day is celebrated globally and it involved all concerned organizations in the prevention of visual impairment. Also the promotional activities more important to promote the prevention of blindness and the global initiative vision 2020: the right to see ”, driven by the World Health Organization (who) and the International Agency for prevention of blindness.