Moscow, 16 feb ( EFE).-the Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Anton Shkáplerov, crew of the International space station ( ISS), have today launched the first space walk of the year, in which panels be installed additional protectors against tiny meteorites.

The opening of the hatch of the module Pirs was fifteen minutes late, at 1430 GMT, as the crew of the ISS took more time to equalize the pressure in the module.

“Among the major tasks is the transfer of crane load GStM1 Pirs docking module to module research Póisk”, reported in the flight Control Center.

Astronauts panels against micrometeorites will also cover the work compartment of the module of Russian service Zvezdá.

Where compliance with the two main tasks leave sufficient time, Kononenko and Shkáplerov be carried out several experiments to study the impact of cosmic radiation in the Centre of the platform and in different materials and spatial conditions.

Kononenko and Shkáplerov are 30 expedition members of the Permanent Mission on the ISS, which also integrate Americans Daniel Burbank and Donald Pettit and Dutchman André Kuipers, of the European Space Agency. EFE