Chronic what we see in the image is not neither more nor less than the retrovirus XMRV (virus leukemia murina xenotrópico), according to recent studies, could be the cause of the encephalomyelitis variably or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which affects some 17 million people in the world and whose cases were a mystery to science until the moment.

According to recently published in the journal Science, researchers at the Whittemore Peterson Institute of Nevada found virus in 67% of CFS patients studied, while only found in 4% of the population general.

Chronic when scientists carried out cell cultures in the lab discovered that the XRMV originated in patients was infectious, a finding which increases the chances that the XMRV may be a contributing factor in CFS. Now known as l you retroviruses can cause neurological diseases, cancer and immunological deficiencies and specifically the XMRV is linked with the development of some types of prostate cancer

Despite the fact that the study does not cast a definitive light on the relationship between the virus and disease, the scientists believe to have found a way to continue investigating what exactly causes the syndrome of chronic fatigue, a debilitating disorder whose symptoms are fatigue and muscle pain and joint prolonged, do not go away with sleep or rest.

Labrujanocturna Demedicina

Tags: viral diseases, chronic fatigue