Rejuvenate once more comes to light the issue of the famous cellulite.In this case, it has been thanks to a friendly reader, who commented on the previous post talking about a new treatment that combines rejuvenate and radio frequency.In the words of our friend, is a non-invasive, relaxing and with good results; so we will try to clarify a bit more topic.

In some centers, treatment applies under the name of Ultraslim, and according to Dr. Marisa Manzano, responsible for the area of medicine esthetic of Antiaging Group Barcelona, the results are immediate and spectacular, no pain, puncture, or anesthesia.

treatment is carried out with a few devices that have a headset, which must go passing over areas you want to try. With the rejuvenate the emitted waves break down fats, particles but at the same time respect the tissues that surround them. The best of this technique is that it is very controllable, and can cast different parts of the body showing cellulite.

And what then paints RF? Very simple. Once eliminated the zone of accumulation of fat, skin probably present a flaccid and useless aspect. With RF, the skin is includes ” and shrinks due to an effect called colagenogénesis, which removes the sagging and ends of eradicating the body fat surplus.

To obtain good results, are necessary to six sessions a month; the price around EUR 2,000.

To our reader, please reveal us a new secret anti-cellulite!

Alex Castella.