From puberty, women s begin to suffer from cellulite, especially in the area of the thighs and buttocks. To combat it, as indicated is cosmetic slimming, laboratories, innovate more and more to combat it. The active ingredients that compose these products act on the entry of fat into fatty tissue cells and it destroys, preventing they mature and they can continue storing fat.

Ingredients to destroy the fat, are some such as caffeine, carnitine, coffee, tea and cocoa, iodine (kelp) extract. Creams are these components, as well as facilitate the exit of the accumulated water and improve microcirculation to help remove waste.

If you want these cosmetics have good results, you have to apply them properly. They are these some consejo:

-you apply them in the morning and at night, from the ankles to the hips. It is always more advice after the shower, because the pores are dilated and is absorbed more easily

-If you don’t have too much time, gels or sprays, are a good solution, easy to apply and leave no residues, therefore, are very comfortable if you need to dress immediately. But at night, not forgive massage, as it is crucial for the good results

-to fight from within the body, oral cosmetics you have, but you have to bear in mind that this only help, never replaced. These are composed of green tea, seaweed, artichoke…

-water is essential to discard the fat, 1 ½ to 2 l. is recommended