Many times, when talking about nutrition think be more thin or dieting. However, the concept of adequate food is very paragraph of this. Adequate food proposed food intake varied, rich in vitamins and minerals, which maintained the balance of the body. So, also see better on the external side, will feel significant improvements domestically.

It is important to feed on organic natural products from nutrients. Everything what should waive fertilizers, agricultural chemicals or chemical treatments, do not usually conform to required standards of health. Why return to organic food from the Virgin fields of technology, ideal is.

A good diet, in addition, provides intake in plentiful amounts of fruits and vegetables varied. Professional suggestion is to eat at least three servings of fruits or vegetables daily, to keep in correct conditions.

Same thing happens with the meat. The correct food includes meats of all kinds, although it is recommended to reduce the quantities of red meat and incorporate more fish into the daily diet.

Finally, never be eradicated fats completely. On the contrary, the suggestion is to eat in small doses, to benefit the Agency and at the same time, not fatten.