Comes a new alternative for facial rejuvenation non surgical.

– the process is performed through an incision of plasma rich in platelets contributes to the Agency an accumulation of regenerating cells that begin to work in the repair of damage to the skin

-To treat a biological stimulus and not a permanent filling, this treatment prevents the emergence of “deformed faces and grotesque expressions”. It is the ideal treatment to improve the quality of the skin at any time of year

– with latest technology equipment I.P.S. holistic Centre works in the activation of collagen and the improvement of the quality of the skin

Bogotá, 2011-December in a bid to have an effective treatment that helps cell regeneration of the skin He began to work with the platelet-rich plasma, a treatment that can remove stains from the face, acne, scars and wrinkles as active collagen and quality improvement of the skin, thus reducing the marked expression lines.

The plasma rich in growth of skin factors was discovered in the 1990s in Spain and since then its utility has been tested in many branches of medicine. In aesthetics its effectiveness is almost miraculous, disappears spots, lines, scars, refines pores, and recovers the smoothness and softness of the young skin.

In the holistic Centre DRA. Raquel Prieto, medical surgeon of the Universidad del Rosario, specialist in alternative medicines and masters in aesthetic medicine, provides a comprehensive treatment of skin rejuvenation, where not only follow the correct protocols for management of plasma that is enriched with minerals, ozone and vitamins, personalized according to the needs of each patient. In addition systemic treatment of drainage is performed to cleanse the body of toxins and activate all cellular regeneration processes to increase the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid from the inside outwards, as opposed to cosmetic products to ensure that they penetrate from outside inwards. Thus obtaining a skin it smooth, without expression line or spots, attenuating scars and refine pores.

With this innovative treatment patients achieve a real facelift with a biological lifting of first quality, without major risks, with a simple, outpatient procedure with minimal discomfort and an hour with advice you dietaría and the necessary recommendations to maintain the greatest possible time the rejuvenating effect of the plasma.

Found that the subcutaneous injection of plasma produces strong changes the skin aging and battered, restores skin vitality, increases its thickness, retrieves the elastic consistency, improves vascular flow and increases smoothness, brightness and appearance of the skin.