Communiqué of the SEMG in relation to the realization of the assessment clinic objective structured (ECOE) for obtaining the title of specialist in medicine of family

Spain, December of 2011- the Spanish society of General physicians and family (SEMG), to the worrying process of statements and opinions expressed in the media, referring to various issues relating to test ECOE (master’s degree in family and community medicine specialist) and its resolution in the current call, wants to express that:

1.-the SEMG has never participated in the Organization of the ECOE, so it has no more interest than the defence of the interests of its associates and doctors involved in the process.

2. For years, the SEMG always has positioned itself, in a clear and forceful way, against the use of such evidence of evaluation for the obtaining of the diploma of specialist in family medicine; in fact, it is the only scientific society in the field of primary care that has made repeated public demonstrations in this respect.

3. The reasons for this opposition, who have full force today, were published years ago and are available on our website.

4. The main arguments concerning lack of suitability of the test conditions of inequity, improper alignment of proof to the collective diana, unjust conditions evaluation and unacceptable economic cost, not only continue in the current call but that they have widened with the present modification of the methodology.

5 Understand that, in addition to the conceptual reasons described in this document, there are formal reasons (limited time between the call to stakeholders and the completion of the test, change in the contents or the duration thereof) involving a total lack of sensitivity and consideration towards participantsmostly professionals with long and proven experience in primary care.

6.-The SEMG wishes to be the approval of the group able to effective, comprehensive and definitive manner by other means than the developed so far, for what has always been ready to cooperate with the competent public administrations. To this end, he has made numerous proposals which, unfortunately, never have been considered.

7. The SEMG expected upcoming health authorities and other institutions linked to the issue of the approval of the title of family physician an open and positive attitude as it has happened in the case of other health groups in similar situations, for the sole purpose of concluding this process definitely.