Basque country launches a network of research into sarcoma.

Sarcoma is a type of cancer that affects bones, cartilage, muscle, etc.

-Is an initiative that part of the Hospital de Cruces (Bizkaia) and which also involves the Hospital Donostia (Gipuzkoa), Basque BioBank for research (o+ehun) and who will join other hospitals of Osakidetza

-the network will allow more and better research on these cancers, thanks to a closer relationship between basic researchers (laboratory) and clinical (health care), enabling the realization of translational research

– the network is completed with a bio of tissue samples with sarcoma, managed by the Basque BioBank for research (o+ehun), which will enable researchers in the network access to these samples

-the network is open to other partners technological or institutional

Bilbao, 2011-October the Basque public health has just been put in place a network of research into Sarcoma, a type of cancer that affects bone or soft tissues of the body (tendons, fat, muscles, nerves, walls of blood vessels, etc.). From an initiative of the unit of tumors in the service of Traumatology of the Hospital de Cruces (Bizkaia), along with the Hospital Donostia (Gipuzkoa) and the coordination of the Basque BioBank for research (o+ehun), the new network will enable more and better translational research in this field. In this network involved the doctors José Ignacio Vicinay, Josu Merino and Luis Aréizaga in Cruces Hospital and Dr. Javier González Acha in the Donostia Hospital.

Thus, basic researchers (primarily working in laboratories) and clinical (who attend regularly affected sarcoma patients) may access the bio of tissue samples with sarcoma that manages the Basque BioBank for research. In this way, is enables the work of the new network, promoting more effective and efficient research and facilitating the practical implementation of the results of scientific investigations.

The Basque BioBank for research has a bio with more than fifty types of cancer musculoskeletal. This resource is relevant, since research into sarcoma is not particularly abundant, and the availability of these samples is an advantage that facilitates the research work.

samples of sarcomas at the node of H crosses to the BioBank Basque research

as indicated by Luis María Aréizaga, section chief of the unit of tumors in the service of Traumatology of the Hospital de Cruces, the network is open to public and private health sector (cooperative research centres) entities(, biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical industry, genetic analysis, etc.) interested in research into sarcoma.

Tissues with different types of musculoskeletal cancers are gathered by own hospitals that make up the network to be managed in a common way and in real time thanks to the Basque BioBank for research, which coordinates its use and availability.

Sarcoma is a type of cancer that affects the connective tissue, which is involved in the integration of the various tissue elements that make up the human body. Thus, the malignancy may affect bones, cartilage and muscle, adipose tissue and blood vessels. Sarcomas are divided into two large groups: sarcomas of soft parts (which include various subtypes, such as the fibrosarcoma, liposarcoma, synovial sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma or the most well-known, Kaposi’s sarcoma) and osteosarcomas.