Conchita singer and actor Antonio Velázquez collect the Propolis awards to the voices of the year.

Spain, January 2013.- last Tuesday 15, at the headquarters of the Madrid Press Association, has taken place the delivery of the Propolis awards to the voices of the year, which gave the Center’s research INFIT (phytotherapy). In women’s category the prize was awarded in singer Conchita, and male, actor Antonio Velázquez, who received a statuette on silver in the form of hive. Both artists have passed through the query to view analyzed his voice and his vocal cords.

The jury has been formed by the former President of the Spanish society of Otolaryngology (SEORL), Dr. Primitivo Ortega; the Vice-President of INFIT, Teresa Ortega, Professor of Pharmacology of the Complutense University, and the Marta Pinillos phoniatrist.

Propolis is a substance made by bees to protect their hives and that, according to recent studies, acts as an antibiotic and antiviral natural, so it is used in pharyngitis and other conditions of throat, in addition to helping prevent respiratory infections, which increase these dates with temperature changes and the arrival of influenza. According to a survey INFIT, whose results were presented last Tuesday, many Spaniards self-treatment with antibiotics for colds and flus, despite being contraindicated in viral infections.