As he has said on repeated occasions, the hands are a very important part of the body. However, often, the nails are side not be handled as is.

A first point to consider is how to acquire them. The rounded nail, are very elegant in the hands of long, thin fingers. In a manner contrary, hands with fat fingers, are distinguished with nails square.

Another important detail is the application of the indicated enamel. I.e., clear skin, are very well with the pale colors (pink, beige, soft oranges), while the dark skins, possess excellent amalgamation with dark colors. However, there are two specific shades that are excellent in any type of skin: Red passion and the black

Many women, who work in offices and away from the household chores, can afford to decorate your nails with stones or colored drawings. It is not needed in this fucking, sculptured nails, but it is enough simply to decorate.

To keep properly cared and strengthened the nails, suggest slow massages, creams and emulsions rich in calcium. Also can paint them with calcium style enamel.

Food healthy, balanced and with enough nutrients and vitamins, is vital to achieving healthy, whole and good external appearance nails. Another good tip to massage the nail, is to give small tapping to them (such as using the keyboard of the computer)