The times of summer, the radiant Sun, the sea water, tend to be risk for healthy and luminous hair agents. However, through a series of simple and homemade tricks, a shining mane, is a fact.

To make our hair look not ragged, dull and without body, at the end of the summer holidays, it is suggested to take certain precautions when exposed to the Sun, wind or sea water.

Fasten the hair correctly: this involves tying it with an elastic band, buckle or brooch. The ideal is to make the subject as possible. It may even cover it with a handkerchief or a Cap. In this way, external agents will impact to a lesser extent on the hair

Use of appropriate hygiene and care cosmetics: lotions, creams and soaps, should be indicated. The PH of the same has to be balanced and the compounds of the formula, more natural and harmless possible.

Apply gentle massage after each washing, from the root to the Tip: a very gentle massage, almost like a caress on the scalp, stimulate blood flow. This will affect the appearance to the hair show.

Bearing in mind this series of care, the Sun and the agents in the atmosphere in the summer, will not do damage to your hair. Will therefore, at the end of the season of warmth, it look more than healthy and elegant.