USP’s two works were selected for the first “Shows experiences of Successful Projects Pro-health and PET Health – area of dentistry”.



They Are

“Teleodontologia: strategy of understanding and involvement of teachers”, by Mary Caroline Skelton Macedo, Ana Stela Haddad and Antonio Humberto Antoniazzi and “work education program for the health of the University of São Paulo – capital campus: the experience of the region of Butantã, São Paulo”, by Ercília Maria Araújo, Simone Rennó Junqueira and Fatima Corrêa, the Faculty of dentistry (FO) of USP


the Shows will occur during the 46th Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Dental Teaching (Abeno), between 10 and 1:0 pm Florianópolis (SC). The event is an initiative of Abeno and

of the Ministry of health.