Detect research Scripps Institute in Florida He has managed to create a through blood test which can detect Alzheimer’s, in their initial States, taking advantage of the immune system of the patient

This system looks for the antibodies, or proteins of the immune system, which help the body to attack the outsiders. In addition to detect Alzheimer’s in early stages, also could serve to detect cancer and other diseases. the research team used molecules developed in laboratory for assessing the presence of certain specific antibodies of Alzheimer’s disease: three of them reacted to the blood of patients with evil, but not to the people healthy.

Although experts have managed to do, that this new test is very accurate, it is still too early to make sure. New clinical trials and needed much more evidence to determine that it is 100% accurate and advisable.

Vitadelia Feeneurologia

Tags: Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease studies, medical screening