Digestive people, with the passage of the years, begins to present difficulties to make the digestion. All us has happened once: If before we could eat everything and in quantity, and then we were fresh as roses, eventually we find increasingly heavy to make the digestion and some foods and meals are particularly annoying.

The solution to this problem is easy to raise, although not so much to carry out: must renounce makes us damage and replace these foods by other healthier and easier to process.

anyway, this does not mean that we we should dispense with radical form of what we like. If the chocolate you love but you feel fatal, consume it only occasionally and in small doses (an ounce after eating). If the chips are your undoing, rather than the bag, eat only a handful … is a matter of will.

And in addition, can always replace these whims with healthier food. Then you show an example of menu for a day, that you will lay beautifully.Try it and I’ve …

for breakfast, takes a yogurt with bifidus, lemon tea without sugar and two integral toasted bread with Turkey cold cuts. And mid-morning, can kill hunger ” with a bowl of Apple sauce accompanied by a few nuts.

The meal would consist of a salad of boiled rice, lettuce, corn, canned, sprouts, grated carrot of soy (they are great for digestion). As a second dish, a fresh cod fillet grilled with a baked potato and parsley; and for dessert, an infusion of liquorice or melisa.

Snack can consist of a well ripe PEAR and a slice of bread toasted, accompanied in well draining oil.And at dinner, take a cream of vegetables, scrambled egg, a yogurt and an infusion. As you can see, with this menu is not passed hunger nor consumed many calories, and good digestion is guaranteed.

Stu Spivack.

Tags: digestive menu, digestion problems, digestive disorders