Types a few days ago in this blog discuss how great is the olive oil for the heart. Although all olive oils that are marketed are of good quality, its name and types indicate substantial differences between them, and it is useful to know what we are abiding to give not us cat by Hare.

Extra-virgin olive oil, Virgin olive oil, olive to dry oil… They sound parecidísimos, right? As there is to be attentive to know what we buy, because each variety presents differences in composition, uses, and flavor.

extra virgin olive oil: it is of higher quality for all, and is obtained from the olives collected in its optimal timing of maturation, from healthy fruit and pressing them. Its maximum acidity can not exceed 0.8 ° t is subjected to conditions of taste tasting very restrictive.

Olive oil virgen: similar to the Virgin extra, the difference with ñel is that its acidity can reach the 2 °, and the requirements for tasting are more tolerant.

Oliva: oil is the most commonly consumed in our country, consists of a mixture between refined olive oil and Virgin olive, with a maximum acidity of 1. The problem with this oil is that, with the refined food loses some of its aroma and flavor.

Three varieties are very healthy, and, of course, all oils marketed in our country are subjected to strict inspections that guarantee its quality. The presence of phytosterols in oils (some plant substances that could lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular problems) is regulated in all of them; to ensure that a variety is deemed Virgin extra, the standard requires that there is a proportion of 1,000 milligrams per kilogram of oil.One more reason to choose it …


Tags: olive oil, oil types