discovered a new key mechanism in cell division

the IDIBELL researchers identify a fragment of the Zds1 protein which plays a fundamental role in mitosis

Barcelona, 2012-may researchers of the Institute of biomedical research of Bellvitge (IDIBELL) have identified the mechanism allowing the protein Zds1 to regulate a key process in mitosis, the process which occurs immediately before cell division. The result has been in the online edition of the Journal of Cell Science magazine and opens the door to the development of specific and direct therapies against cancer.

Cells in all organisms grow and are divided into two cell daughters by an orderly succession of events is called cell cycle ”. Cells must complete four main processes during the cell cycle: grow (G1 and G2 phases), duplicate (S phase) DNA, segregating chromosomes M phase (mitosis) and divide (cytokinesis). In phase S, or replication of the DNA doubles later during the M phase or mitosis, cells and genetic material separating chromosomes duplicated between the two daughter cells. This ensures the correct inheritance of genetic information from one cell to the next generation.

Chromosomal stability

The transmission of genetic information (DNA) of parents to children (or what is equivalent to other cells) is a fundamental issue in biology. The aneuploidia, i.e. the lack or excess of chromosomes, is a feature present in almost all types of human cancer and promotes the development of tumors. The regulation of mitosis is particularly important for maintaining chromosomal stability. For example, tumor aneuploid cells appear as a result of defects in the segregation of chromosomes, which cause cells with greater or lesser genetic material of the normal.

However, despite its importance, are very little known of the regulation of the exit from mitosis. In the article published in the Magazine Journal of Cell Science, the research group of cell cycle of IDIBELL, coordinated by Ethel Queralt, discover a new mechanism of regulation of the exit from mitosis.

The separasa protein is a key component for the proper segregation of the chromosomes and the regulation of mitosis. In previous work, the Group of Dr. Queralt first described the involvement of protein Zds1 in mitosis. This protein cooperates with the separasa to ensure the correct genetic inheritance of cells to others.

In the study, delves into the molecular mechanism by which this protein Zds1 regulates the mitosis and contributes to the segregation of the chromosomes is correct. This work has been used the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer’s yeast) as a model organism.

Yeast is one of the model organisms used to study basic processes in the cell, which has identified complex molecular mechanisms such as the study of the cell cycle in higher organisms. The implementation of such basic knowledge will help to develop treatments specific and direct against different types of cancer.

Dr. Queralt stresses that mechanisms of regulation of mitosis are very complex and the fact of knowing them well opens the door to specific drugs to inhibit or correct this process in various diseases, especially cancer ”. The researcher explains that most anticancer drugs are starting to implement without knowing exactly how to act: it is compounds that many times we do not know how they work, but they do. If we follow a reverse process, i.e., if we start by well known activity of a given protein or a part of the protein, can design specific drugs while minimizing side effects ”. The investigation carried out by the DRA. Queralt is an important step to be able to develop therapies to prevent tumor cells to replicate.

Who we are

Research Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) Institute is a research centre created in 2004 participated by the Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge of the Catalan Health Institute, the Catalan Institute of Oncology, and the University of Barcelona. The IDIBELL is located in space Biopol ’ L H ’ Hospitalet de Llobregat.

the artículo: reference

Zds1 regulates PP2ACdc55 activity and Cdc14 activation during mitotic exit via its Zds_C motif. Calabria (I), (b) Baro, Rodriguez-Rodriguez JA, Russiñol N, Queralt e. Journal of Cell Science. 2012 PMID: 22427694 [Epub ahead of print].