Do dead scalp cells arise to make way for the new. The problem comes when this loss of cells is excessive and becomes what is known as dandruff. So what do with it?This dandruff can cause because the scalp is too dry because of too aggressive shampoos, fungal infections, psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. This last condition may not affect only the hair and its scaling extends to other areas of the body. Gets worse in winter and in summer, with the light of the Sun, their symptoms improve.Dandruff is not a problem that may prevent full but yes we can do our part to keep it under control. In addition, many patients notice that with the age their symptoms improve significantly. One of the measures to take into account to treat dandruff is to use a suitable shampoo, which can be (soft but efficient) antifungal in cases of seborrheic dermatitis or salicylic acid for the psoriasis. If you do not get to control dandruff with these tips, it is recommended that you send to a dermatologist so prescribe you a specific treatment to your problem. Hello Details and curiosities

Tags: dandruff, shampoos dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff remedies