It drink soda or beverage where mixed doses of caffeine and glucose is beneficial to improve the efficiency of your brain.

Professor Josep Mª Serra-Grabulosa presented at the Congress of health and medicine for women (SAMEM) held the first week of March in Madrid, the assessment of the beneficial effects of drinking beverages that combine caffeine and glucose ”, article already referenced in Diariomedico.

This type of drink consumers have one more reason to feel happy, according to the study, if you combine caffeine and glucose in your drink, improvements your attention and memory work and thus increase the efficiency of the brain areas that underpin these two functions.

Research effects of caffeine and glucose, alone and combined in cognitive function ” was published in ’ Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental’ and was a significant sample of people giving in fasting water with caffeine, glucose water or water with caffeine and glucose.

Can think if the tomas separately also have these benefits, but it is not the case. If eating on an individual basis, obtained effects are only partial and only from the synergy of the two substances obtained an improvement over the attention, manual skills, Visual, spatial, and front, functions (immediate, long term working) memory and the State subjective.

In short, that if you take a drink that combines glucose and caffeine you can feel happy to see that your brain is much more efficient and requires less resources to obtain the same result.

Tags: beverage homemade, glucose, caffeine properties