Drink intake of 1.5 liter and two liters of water per day(putting together that can drink with the rest that we consume in the form of teas, broths, soups, fruit …) it is something that doctors and nutritionists recommend constantly for the good functioning of the human organism. But is that, in addition, the water also serves to burn calories!

As you will read it: increase our consumption of water daily for a total of liter and a half of the liquid element can make your body burn a thirty percent more calories than if consume less amount.

en Germany, specifically in Centre of Franz-Volhard clinic Berlin research, was carried out recently a study which showed that those people who increased their daily water consumption to a litre and a half in a year they managed to burn up Seventeen thousand four hundred extra calories compared with those who did not.

This check for Earth misconceptions, such as this which says that drinking water at meals fattening. Water has no calories; It is impossible to make us gain weight. In addition, drinking water before meals and during does increase the feeling of satiety, with what you eat less. We must drink whenever that is thirsty, and from time to time although we do not have. Experts recommend consumption of between six to eight glasses of water per day;If you complementas them with milk, juices, wines and much fruit, can lower the number to four or five.


Tags: drinking water, weight loss tips