
at the University of Newcastle, in the United Kingdom, a group of researchers, have discovered the alginata, a fiber found in the kelp, a type of algae Brown, capable of reducing the intake of fat in the body until a 75 per cent.

The idea of this study is to try to include this fiber in the usual diet, adding it to the bread or other foods in this way, the fat that we consumiéramos, happen cleanly by our organism without build up. although the alginatas are already used in small amounts in thickeners and stabilizers, the idea is to use older controlled amounts to achieve adequate results, in this way, is control of the overweight.

Because they have been tested in an artificial gut and the results are very encouraging, possibly and to continue, in a few years we could be before the definitive solution against overweight, something that would improve the health of many affected.

Terra 4 Spectrum

Tags: medicinal algae, obesity, obesity treatment